Today's recipe.
  • Yuzukama-tofu   (Jan 31)
  • Goma-tofu with corn starch and white wine    (Jan 28)
  • Goma-tofu   (Jan 23)

  • Yuzukama-tofu
    January 31, 2002

    Yuzu is a Japanese fruit that is one kind of orange.
    It is quite sour like lemon and has good flavor.
    It's peel is a popular seasoning for Japanese cuisine.
    When Japanese people smell the yuzu flavor, they feel nostalgia.

    This time, we cook yuzukama-tofu, that is, we use yuzu not only seasoning but also as a pot.

      Yuzu(about 5cm in diameter)
      Red miso

    First, prepare 4 yuzu which is a circle about 5 centimeters in diameter.
    Cut top 1/3 of fruit and remove pulp with spoon.
    There are caps and pots of yuzu which we call yuzukama.

    Prepare 50g miso which you eat everyday as a cup of miso soup.
    When you take miso up from jar, 50g is about the same quantity as an egg.
    Combine 50g miso, 20cc sake and 50cc mirin which is Japanese sweet liqueur.
    Put them into a milk pan.
    Heat and stir these ingredients until miso melts.

    Pour the miso mixture into the yuzukama with a spoon.

    At the Japanese food market, you can find two types of tofu.
    One is silk type, the other is cotton type.
    This time, we choose the cotton type that is harder than silk type.
    Cut the tofu into the small pieces.
    Put the tofu dices into the yuzukama and then pour miso mixture into the space
    between yuzukama and tofu.
    Cap the yuzukama and put them into a pan.
    And steam them for about 10 minutes.

    Serve the yusukama with dishes of your choices.
    You can enjoy the rich flavors of yuzu and miso.

    Goma-tofu with corn starch and white wine.
    January 28, 2002

    I was introduced Goma-tofu for you on Jan 23,2002.
    It is one of the real Japanese recipe, but many of people outside Japan cannot cook it
    because some ingredients are difficult to find.

      White wine
      Corn Starch
      a pinch

    It might be difficult to prepare Kudzu Starch ad Sake for the people
    who live outside Japan.
    So, I tried to cook it with corn starch and white wine.
    Of course, this goma-tofu has different taste from the original recipe but it is also good,
    I think.
    It contains grape's acid and aroma, so we need to find the way to serve western goma-tofu.

    Prepare 70g white sesame in a bowl with some water.
    Immerse the sesame in the water and wait 12 hours.
    Strain the water off.
    Put the wet sesame into a blender and grind it with 200cc water.
    For Zen practice, it is important to grind it by hand but most people
    who want to eat goma-tofu are busy.
    So, this time, please practice and pray in your heart.
    Turn your blender on and wait about 3 minutes.
    And then, squeeze white sesame milk through cotton cloth.
    Inside the blender, there may be some sesame remaining, so you should wash it with
    100cc water and squeeze once more.
    The sesame milk will look good.
    Mix sesame milk, corn starch, white wine and a pinch of salt into a smooth paste and heat.
    Stir with wooden spoon carefully about for 8 minutes without burning.
    Pour the sesame paste into a metal mold and then leave to cool.
    When it has cool down, you should put it in the refrigerator or in the water.

    When you serve it, you should cut it into individual servings with a knife.

    January 23, 2002

    Today, I am introduce a Japanese vegetarian food called goma-tofu.
    Goma-tofu, it means sesame tofu, it is popular in Japanese Zen temples.

      Starch(Kudzu vine of Yoshino)
      a pinch

    Prepare 140g white sesame in a bowl and some water.
    Immerse sesame in the water and wait 24 hours.
    Strain the water off.
    Put the wet sesame into a mortar and grind it with some water.
    Don't pour all water at once, you should pour a little in over several times.
    You should grind constantly slow and steadily more than 1 hour.
    It is simple and boring work but it is Zen practice.
    Pray, such as "I love sesame."
    When you find enlightenment in the mortar,you may squeeze white sesame milk through cotton cloth.
    There will be very beautiful sesame milk in the pan.
    Mix all of the sesame milk, starch, sake and a pinch of salt into a smooth paste with heat.
    Stir with wooden spoon about for 10 minutes without burning.
    Pour the sesame paste into a metal mold and then leave to cool.
    When you feel it's not hot, you should keep it in the refrigerator or in the water.

    When you serve it, you should serve it with soy sauce and wasabi.
    It is something like pudding with sesame aroma.
    Pray and whisper "Thank for the blessing of earth and the cook."
    So, you can find Zen's way of life with rich aroma of sesame and smooth stickiness of starch..